Journal Of Science And Arts
ISI indexed | ISSN 1844-9581 | eISSN 2068-3049
quarterly issues


The peer-review process, of the articles proposed for publication in the "Journal of Science and Arts" is going on in a similar way with the international usual procedures.
Thus, an article proposed for publication and transmitted to the editorial committee, will be selected and sent by the editorial committee, simultaneous, at two members of the scientific committee with competences in the field in which the paper is integrated. If one of the two reviewers, in the course of 7 days, declines his competences or refuses from other reasons to peer-review the article, this is sent to another reviewer.  
The peer-reviews are transmitted in the term of a month to the editorial committee and this communicates the result of each peer-review to the author(s).
The two reviewers evaluate the paper after an instruction guide of peer-review, presented below, which contains 4 essential chapters for the achievement of a high scientific level of the paper:
1.         The practical importance and the actuality of the theme proposed in the paper.
2.         Original and resulted contributions.
3.         The scientific level of the paper.
4.         Recommendations for the author(s)
 Each of these chapters has scores which decrease from 5 to 1, function of the quality and the excellent level respectively none or not suitable of the paper.
Each peer-review is ending with the fifth chapter, of conclusions, in which the reviewer has 3 variants for the answer:
a) He can accept his paper in its initial form.
b) To accept it after the author(s) reviewed the paper using the recommendations of the reviewers. 
c) To reject the paper.
If the two peer-reviewers propose, both of them, one of the variants a) or b), the paper is accepted for publication in its initial form - if both the reviewers propose variant a) - or after the reviewing of the paper by the author(s) in term of a month from the date of sending the conclusions of the two reviewers, if one of them proposes variant b).
If one of the two reviewers proposes variant c), then the paper is rejected.
The Editor-in-Chief will advise authors whether a manuscript is accepted, should be revised, or is rejected. Minor revisions should be returned within four weeks of decision; major revisions within three months. Manuscripts not revised within this time will be withdrawn from consideration unless there are extenuating circumstances.
The scientific committee and the editorial committee of the "Journal of Science and Arts" are proposing the achievement and the maintaining of a high scientific level of the published papers, for including the "Journal of Science and Arts" in the select family of the international excellence in the science and art domains.


The Scientific Committee
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Science and Technology
13 Sinaia Alley, Targoviste, Dambovita, Romania
Phone/fax +40245 206109
Web site:


Reviewer's Name:

Manuscript number:

  1. 1.      The practical importance and the actuality of paper

       5-Exceptional, 4- Significant, 3-Minor, 2-Questionable, 1-None or not suitable
(Comments:  .....................................)
2.   The original contributions and results (comments)
5-Exceptional, 4- Significant, 3-Minor, 2-Questionable, 1-None or not suitable
(Comments:  .....................................)
3.    The scientific level
5-Exceptional, 4- Significant, 3-Minor, 2-Questionable, 1-None or not suitable
(Comments:  .....................................)

  1. 4.        Recommendations to author(s)

(Template, language, style, graphical materials, mathematics etc.
Note: any correction can be made directly on the text in red pen).................

  1. 5.        Conclusions

For publication
For publication after the paper has been reviewed


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